Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Flu Shot...Check!

I had my monthly checkup this morning and I'm happy to report that Abby has a very strong heartbeat, she's growing like a weed, and she's extremely happy (I suppose you can't actually measure that last part, but she surely seems like a happy baby to me!).  

As a first time Mommy and self-proclaimed worrier, you may think that I'd be the type to walk in every month with a laundry list of questions to ask my doctor about everything new that I've felt or experienced.  But believe it or not, at 29 weeks, this was the first time I actually had any questions I really wanted answered (other than the ones at the very beginning: "Can I keep playing basketball?" "What is forbidden?" Etc.).

My questions?
1. When and where should I get my flu shot?
2. Do I get a whooping cough vaccine now?
3. Does my husband need these shots as well?

The answers?
1. Here and Now - I literally walked out of the doctor's office with my flu shot taken care of - brilliant!
2. No - not while pregnant - I will be getting this vaccine in the hospital once Abby has joined the world. 
3. Yes and Yes - this is his homework assignment - and it's extremely important!

All I know is that I'm happy I asked some questions and I'm even happier that my flu shot has been administered! 

Find out some more interesting information about the flu shot over at TapMommies - there's an eye-opening story that everyone should read: CDC Calls for Universal Flu Vaccines. How Come No One is Biting?


  1. Good for you! Way to keep you and the little one healthy!

  2. Yea! So happy you got your shot.
    Now, everyone who will be around baby Abby will need the whooping cough vacine too, right?

  3. Vaccines? Flu shots? Mercury (thimerosal) exposure?? There are a lot of questions concerning vaccines and mercury exposure. Big pharma uses (and has been using for over 50 years) thimerosal as a preservative in vaccines (long before it was publically known that mercury causes neurological damage). Many European countries (and some US states) have restricted mercury in vaccines because of the known toxicity. However it is not easy to change the momentum of the big pharma companies and most vaccines are still made with high levels of mercury. Thanks to Gov Schwarzenegger, in 2004 thimerosal was banned in CA. HOWEVER, as stated in many articles (below) the flu shot is so ubiquitous now and given out by many unqualified persons so we shouldn’t blindly trust that we are getting a Hg-free shot. Its recommended to ask and even look at the list of ingredients yourself. A family member of a classmate of mine took her child in to get vaccinated and asked if she could get the thimerosal free vaccine (there are only a limited amount of these vaccines available upon request), the nurse agreed and after the shots were given the mother asked to see the bottle and was infuriated to find thimerosal on the list.

    The argument of the CDC is that vaccines are worth the risk of possible mercury contamination, and as a rebuttal, it is not the VACCINES that most opponents are arguing against, it’s the MERCURY used in the vaccines. So if the public become more aware of these things and starts demanding that the pharma companies change (or that politicians pass laws to protect the consumers), than we can all feel better about pumping our babies/young children full of 9-22 vaccines, and administering vaccines to pregnant women with the potential of in utero developmental damage.

    In regards to flu shots in general, there are so many strains of the flu that it is not always guaranteed that you will be vaccinated for that years strains, but for those of us that are most at risk (school teachers, elderly and the immunosuppressed) it might be worth the gamble. Healthy eating, sleeping, and sanitation (hand washing) is also a preventative measure, it is also not a guarantee but come with less of a risk. Fortunately CA is a progressive state and we have demanded that our politicians do something to protect the consumer. Unfortunately not all states have similar legislation, maybe we should let our friends know!

    I personally have not gotten the flu shot, but would be interested to know if CA does indeed administer mercury free vaccines. Anyone know??

    Here are some of the articles I found helpful:

  4. Vaccines? Flu shots? Mercury (thimerosal) exposure?? There are a lot of questions concerning vaccines and mercury exposure. Big pharma uses (and has been using for over 50 years) thimerosal as a preservative in vaccines (long before it was publically known that mercury causes neurological damage). Many European countries (and some US states) have restricted mercury in vaccines because of the known toxicity. However it is not easy to change the momentum of the big pharma companies and most vaccines are still made with high levels of mercury. Thanks to Gov Schwarzenegger, in 2004 thimerosal was banned in CA. HOWEVER, as stated in many articles (below) the flu shot is so ubiquitous now and given out by many unqualified persons so we shouldn’t blindly trust that we are getting a Hg-free shot. Its recommended to ask and even look at the list of ingredients yourself. A family member of a classmate of mine took her child in to get vaccinated and asked if she could get the thimerosal free vaccine (there are only a limited amount of these vaccines available upon request), the nurse agreed and after the shots were given the mother asked to see the bottle and was infuriated to find thimerosal on the list.

    The argument of the CDC is that vaccines are worth the risk of possible mercury contamination, and as a rebuttal, it is not the VACCINES that most opponents are arguing against, it’s the MERCURY used in the vaccines. So if the public become more aware of these things and starts demanding that the pharma companies change (or that politicians pass laws to protect the consumers), than we can all feel better about pumping our babies/young children full of 9-22 vaccines, and administering vaccines to pregnant women with the potential of in utero developmental damage.

    In regards to flu shots in general, there are so many strains of the flu that it is not always guaranteed that you will be vaccinated for that years strains, but for those of us that are most at risk (school teachers, elderly and the immunosuppressed) it might be worth the gamble. Healthy eating, sleeping, and sanitation (hand washing) is also a preventative measure, it is also not a guarantee but come with less of a risk. Fortunately CA is a progressive state and we have demanded that our politicians do something to protect the consumer. Unfortunately not all states have similar legislation, maybe we should let our friends know!

    I personally have not gotten the flu shot, but would be interested to know if CA does indeed administer mercury free vaccines. Anyone know??

    Here are some of the articles I found helpful:

  5. To answer your Mom's question, it is a good idea for those who will be spending a lot of time with Abby to make sure they are up to date on their whooping cough vaccination. Especially because of the epidemic that is going on in California. (My friend Corie just went through this with her new nephew)

    If you have any questions regarding why feel free to ask. It is a herd immunity thing...I'm in public health. Oh and I'm working at a Children's Hospital, so I can hunt down information if you would like.


