Thursday, August 19, 2010

Travis & Ali Sitting in a Tree...

First comes Love
Then comes Marriage
Then comes the Honeymoon Baby in the Baby Carriage

Is that how it went? It can't be...the rhythm's all off. If my memory serves me correctly (from all that making out I did in preschool...kidding, kidding...sort of), there wasn't a timeline for any of this.  You just got teased and then you moved on with your life.

But here in the adult world - which I've finally realized I'm a part of now - this rhyme actually makes some sense.  You don't necessarily start out by sitting in a tree (unless you went to Cal), but if you're lucky enough, you meet someone, fall madly in love, get married, kiss, and just like magic, have a baby (I'll obviously be deferring the birds and bees speech as long as possible)!

In my case, I began to fall in love with my best friend on our very first date at Frankie's on March 27, 2008. First came Love. Fast forward to July 3rd, 2009 and there was suddenly a beautiful rock on my left ring finger. Take another leap forward to March 27, 2010 and I had a new last name. Then came Marriage. And following the order of the playful rhyme from my youth, our Honeymoon in Costa Rica was amazing for reasons other than the zip-lining and river rafting...Here Comes the Baby in the Baby Carriage...

The most common question I'm asked is whether or not this was planned.  Did we plan on having a baby so soon?  Well, to be truthful, no...we didn't.  But at the same time, we didn't exactly plan to wait around either.  So while it does feel like our lives are moving at a rapid pace right now and things are changing before we can even get used to them, we wouldn't want it any other way.

We fell in love, we got married, and now we get to experience the miracle of life.  Blessed doesn't even begin to describe the way we feel.