Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday Cravings: Dark Chocolate Almonds

Today I was brainstorming about what to write about and it hit me - why not do a weekly Sunday post about all the things I love eating on the weekends?  I mean, who doesn't love food?  Eating food, making food, sharing food, and sometimes...overindulging in food?

I'm not sure about you, but I think of my weekends as my time to "let go," if you will.  It's my "cheat time" - my time to enjoy anything and everything and not feel guilty about it.  For example, this weekend I enjoyed a calzone on Friday night, a Pesto Chicken Sandwich for lunch on Saturday followed by an evening of Thai food, and today I indulged in a juicy cheeseburger for lunch (which I rarely eat).  

I'd blame it on being pregnant, but that's not it. I just love yummy food !  And I love to enjoy all my favorites on the weekends when I have time to sit down and have a two hour long meal - when I have friends and family to eat it with - and when I'm feeling exceptionally carefree.     

That's why every Sunday I'm going to tell you about one of the things I love to eat...and I want to start off with one of my obsessions:  Dark Chocolate Almonds.

For those of you who have been to my apartment for dinner, you know I'll always bring out Dark Chocolate Almonds for dessert (easy for me - delicious for everyone).  For those of you who don't, well...first let me say you're missing out on having dinner with me!  Kidding...but second and more important, you're missing out on one of the simple pleasures in life.

If you have not tasted Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Almonds before, you must go directly to your local store, do not pass go and do not collect $200, head straight for their frozen food isle (because that's obviously where chocolate is stored...), and pick up a box. 

If you're a chocolate lover like me, I promise you will not be disappointed...and I guarantee you'll be heading back for more. Oh, and at $3.99 a box, it's a delectable dessert that does not come close to breaking the bank. Big shout out to Trader Joe's for being so amazing in so many ways...and for satisfying my nearly insatiable sweet tooth.

Stay tuned for more Sunday Cravings - I hope they make your mouth water on a weekly basis...

1 comment:

  1. Those are delicious! Can't wait for more Sunday Cravings!!
