Friday, April 1, 2011

Those Are Some WHITE Legs!!!

Is this some kind of April Fools joke? 

No fog for multiple days in a row?

I'll take it because we're going on day three of the most amazing weather we've had in San Francisco since last year's "Indian Summer."  There's no rain. No fog. And not much wind (thank goodness). 

There's just a whole lot of heat, sunshine and really pale legs.

I mean,'s so nice out that I wore shorts yesterday and probably blinded everyone with my pasty legs.  I'm happy to report, however, that I'm obviously not the only sun deprived San Franciscan.

Believe it or not, it's even nice enough for people to head out to the beach! 

And while you may think that's a "normal" statement, it's anything but.  On a typical day, the beach is empty (something about 50 degree, foggy weather that seems to keep people away from the shore).  But yesterday, Abby and I went on our usual walk and as we approached Fisherman's Wharf we heard a new laughing...

(side note, but it's kinda sad that the sound of kids laughing is not something I hear very often...that needs to change)

But there were kids laughing!!!  And when I looked to my right, the typically sparse beach was FULL of people!!!  It's been that nice in San Francisco.

So nice that my Mom, Abigail, Belle and I took advantage of a trail near their new place in the's a look at our little adventure (and don't worry, I covered my pale sunglasses needed to view these pictures).

If you're in the City, get out there and take advantage of this amazing weather...I know Abby and I will!  We're heading downtown to have lunch with Daddy today...yay!

Maybe I should work on my tan while I'm at it...

1 comment:

  1. Spray tan. You get the golden look minus that whole chance of skin cancer when you're old. :)
